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CaMLA ispiti

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Serbian for foreigners

The course is aimed at beginner students of various nationalities who want to learn Serbian as a second language. Although knowledge of English can be helpful in this learning situation, it is not necessary for Serbian language acquisition.

The framework of this course is a book "Verbatim" - Serbian for Foreigners, which offers a very appealing method of learning, comprising current and interesting topics as well as incorporating the grammar syllabus into interactive speaking and listening exercises. The course plan is flexible and can be customized to meet demands of each individual candidate, and the level of knowledge that the course encompasses is A1 – A2.

Candidates master two alphabets, Cyrillic and Serbian Latin. Also, the course provides candidates with specific functional phrases to be used in every day situations, such as shopping, workplace, finding your way in a city, health problems, traffic, description of places, habits and cultural concepts. Moreover, a candidate is able to use temporal and place related determiners. Candidates also learn how communicate in familiar context.

upis novih kandidata

Kontakt info

  • Jurija Gagarina 229
    TC ENJUB, Blok 45 I sprat
    srednji deo, lokali 252 i 267
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Uslovi korišćenja sajta

Vlasnik domena je Škola stranih jezika Smiley - Novi Beograd. Sadržaji, informacije i fotografije, prikazani na sajtu, ukoliko nije drugačije navedeno, su takodje vlasništvo Škole stranih jezika Smiley - Novi Beograd. Nosilac autorskih prava opštih i informativnih materijala, predstavljenih na sajtu, je Škola stranih jezika Smiley - Novi Beograd.